The Tortoise
Many reptiles have a long natural lifespan. In particular, Sulcata tortoises (also known as the African Spurred Tortoise) can live 80-100 years in captivity. They are popular pets because of their adaptability to different living conditions. However, their long lifespan, and their size (70-150 lbs) can make them difficult to care for long-term for many pet owners.
Rambo is an approximately 50 yr old, 150 lb Sulcata tortoise. He came to Oak Rock Animal Preserve in April 2023 because of a change in his family situation that made them unable to keep him. Prior to Oak Rock Animal Preserve, Rambo was adopted by an animal control officer who rescued him from an unfortunate living situation with poor nutrition. He lived with the animal control officer for 18 yrs and grew with several children in that family. Because he loves people, children, and other animals, we knew Oak Rock Animal Preserve was the right place for him to live out the rest of his years. Should Rambo outlive Jon and Wendi, we know the Rankin girls will take care of him.